Saturday, March 24, 2018

Daily Thoughts 03/24/2018

Portrait of a Scholar, Imitator of Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) (Italian, Cento 1591–1666 Bologna)

Daily Thoughts 03/24/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some of Kill the Farmboy.  It is a fractured fantasy where all the characters are somewhat ridiculous.  I especially like the talking goat.  There are lots of puns and jokes.

I started reading Enlightenment Now.  It is a very large, philosophical book which will take a very long time to read.

I have been watching How To Make Stress Work For You which is part of the Great Courses series on Hoopla.  Each episode is half an hour.

Web Bits

Librarian of Congress: Don't Let Reading Become A Chore

UC Berkeley Libraries Retain Global, Political Focus Since Founding

Spending Bill Includes Big Increases for Libraries

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