Cubist Composition, Portrait of a Seated Person Holding A Letter, Salvador Dali, 1923
Daily Thoughts 12/13/2015
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.
I read a little bit more of Twain and Stanley Enter Paradise. I am reading about Stanley's courtship of Dorothy Tenant. The book is interesting. Some of it is done with imaginary letters. This is a rather sympathetic portrait of Henry Morton Stanley. Sir Richard Burton viewed Stanley as being quite brutal. There is a toughness to Henry Morton Stanley which describes him having both gastritis and malaria and still traveling all over the world. King Leopold the funder for Stanley's expeditions into the Congo is considered a monster by some.
I spent some time watching the Management Tips video on today.
I checked the purchase alerts and the New York Times Bestseller list today.
Web Bits
Books are Getting Longer Study Says
Ajman's Man's Thirst for Knowledge and Passion for Books Led
Him to Open a Library
Congresswoman Asks
Feds Why They Pressured a Library to Disable Its Tor Node
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