Sunday, August 5, 2018

Daily Thoughts 08/05/2018

Lewis Hine, Boy studying, ca. 1924.jpg
Lewis Wickes Hine, Boy Studying, circa 1924, Library of Congress.

Daily Thoughts 08/05/2018

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook this morning.

I read some more of Factfulness today.

I also read some more of The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness.  I am reading about punishment based enforcement often fails with homeless people, people who are high, people who are mentally ill, people who have recieved a lot of punishment,  or are extremely angry.  The author is describing how to use empathy to diffuse bad behavior.

I am listening to K. Eric Drexler Radical Abundance How A Revolution In Nanotechnology Will Change Civilization on Hoopla Digital.

I checked the purchase alerts today for items on hold.

Web Bits

U.S.  Public Libraries Saw 1.39 Billion Visits in 2015 A New Report Finds

Museum In  A Box

How to Use Data to Plan a Targeted Library Campaign

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